Welcome to The Love's Homepage...

March 22, 2023

Welcome to our homepage.  We are just starting this website in order to document some of our families history so that hopefully it can be left for generations to come.  We hope your visit with us is enlightening and if you enjoy what you read and see, please drop us a line.  We would love hearing from you...

Our Family...

March 22, 2023Posted by Gail Love

I know this story is a little long, but I think you will find it very worthwhile reading...

First of all, it's probably appropriate to tell you a little about our family. Depending on how you found our site, you may already know that we are a typical American family consisting of myself (Gail) my wife Charlotte, and our two sons Stephen and Sean. Although both of our sons are very special to us, Stephen was born with a mental deficiency that has left him with the mind of someone you may think was in their early teens. although he is almost 40 years old. We have always considered ourselves blessed by having Stephen in our lives and know that God has used him to shape our lives over the years.


March 22, 2023Posted by Gail Love

We really wanted to give Stephen a page for himself so here it is... You know a lot regarding him from his Herbie webpage and from other pages within this site, but I guess as parents, we always have more that we can add.

Originally, Stephen didn't want to come into this world in that his mother was in labor for over 26 hours and even though induced, he still resisted and had to be pulled with forceps to make his grand entrance. Because of his size, 10.5 lbs and the delivery, he was born with swelling of the brain which more than likely caused his disability.


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